In addition to the weekly services noted, a variety of seasonal services take place in Advent, Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide. Please read below for further details as well as information on Baptisms and Weddings.

​Sunday: 5.30pm Vigil (Saturday)
and 10.30am.
​Monday: 10.00am.
​Tuesday: 10.00am.
​Thursday: 6.00pm followed by Exposition and Benediction at 6.50pm.
​Friday: 10.00am.
​Saturday: 5.00pm Available in the Meeting Room before Vigil Mass or any time on request.
Thursday: 6.30pm Available in the Meeting Room during Exposition as required.
For the Baptism of Infants and Children; families should live in the Parish, one parent should be a practising Catholic attending Mass and the parents should desire that the child be brought up to know, to love and to practise their faith.
Please Contact Fr. Michael for an application form and allow 6 weeks notice. The application form contains a section answering the frequently asked questions on Baptism and around Godparents etc.

For Weddings; residence in Linwood of at least one of the Bride and Groom is required, one party to the Marriage should be a practising Catholic attending Mass and both should be ‘Free to Marry’ (that is, not having previously contracted a Marriage with another Baptised Christian in a Place of Worship). If you are doubtful about your Freedom to Marry (not the same as your Desire to Marry) please Contact Fr. Michael.
At least six months notice is required to complete the formalities for both State and Church.
If you wish to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) prior to going into Hospital for example, please Contact Fr. Michael who will either arrange this here, or inform the Hospital Chaplain that you desire the Sacrament.

If you wish to organise a Funeral for a loved one the Parish will work with the Undertakers you have chosen to schedule a convenient Date and Time.
Notices about forthcoming Funerals will be found on the Parish Bulletin.